Fire brigade drill on our company premises
by Tina Zilch

On 03.12.2024, an extensive fire drill took place on our company premises. The aim of the exercise was to train the processes and the interaction of the emergency services under realistic conditions.
A fire was assumed in the dispatch area of our company building. One person was reported missing, an additional challenge for the emergency services. The Singhofen fire brigade arrived with several units and received additional support from the Nassau fire brigade with their aerial ladder.
The focus of the exercise was not only on successfully fighting the assumed fire, but also on rescuing the missing person. During the operation, a team of breathing apparatus users also found themselves in a simulated emergency and had to be rescued quickly and in a coordinated manner.
Thanks to the high level of commitment and professional work of everyone involved, the exercise was successfully completed. Afterwards, the operation was evaluated together. Strengths were highlighted and possibilities for improvement were discussed in order to be able to react even more efficiently in an emergency. Of course, there was a relaxed get-together afterwards with sausage, rolls and cold drinks for all helpers and participants.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Singhofen and Nassau fire brigades for their commitment and valuable work. Exercises like these are of inestimable value.